Iam a young business man willing to search the other part of the world like Asia for some items that may be cheaper over in those ends. With particular interest in Cell phones and Ipods. I do not intend to buy anything immitation or counterfeit. Originals and all brand news. My question is this. Is it against the law (Illegal) to import an original Nokia, Motorola or samsung phone or an Ipod from another country into the USA? If you have an authentic information please I need it.

Nope but the chip will not work it is on a different network.

Northwest Womps
You don't want my opinion. I don't care for the practice of those who import items at far east prices then sell them at American prices. I see too many American people out of work because
of stuff like this.

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Orignal From: Is there any rules on the importation of this items?