If I bought the HTC Evo 3D GSM Version, could I still activate it on a CDMA Network? And can it do 4G?Given all the right service areas of course. And it is still a quadband phone, so it's got every frequency, GSM and CDMA.
So it can connect to CDMA networks, but I'm not sure if you can activate your phone on one.

Quad-band GSM has nothing to do with CDMA. There are 4 bands used by GSM phones in different areas of the US/world. A quad-band phone can be used on any of them. That is all it means.

No, you cannot activate a GSM phone on a CDMA network.

verizon dont have the evo 3D thats a sprint phone so you cant activate it on verizon nor any other network

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Orignal From: If I bought the HTC Evo 3D GSM Version, could I still activate it on a CDMA Network? And can it do 4G?