i have a nokia 6103. every time i pull aim up it shows the same people online and nothing will move.

turn it off and then turn it back on?

Get a new phone. If you can't talk to someone at your service provider's store.

turn your phone off and then back on
if that does not work, check owners manual
still doesn't work? call nokia

Sometimes you have to sign in each time you load the application. If it says you're already signed in try signing off then back in

IDK, my phone used to do that, i had to pull out the battery, turn it back on (of course put battery back in!) and i had to remove it and just use it on the computer the old skool way!

take out the battery then put it back in

Shareef A
Steps to solution:

1 - turn it off
2 - throw against wall
3 - turn back on.

Good luck!!

Free Shyne
take the battery out for a lil while (like 15 30 mins) and then try using it (after puttin in the battery)

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Orignal From: The aim applicacation on my phone is frozen. how do i unfreez it?