What is the meaning of the expression "fight over crumbs" in general and what does it mean in the following sentences? My second question is am I using the expression "market share" correctly?
1. Nokia controls 90% of the mobile phone market and the rest of the telecom companies are fighting over crumbs.
2. Macdonalds has the biggest market share of all fast food restaurants and the other restaurants are fighting over crumbs.
3. Microsoft has a 97% market share for computer operating systems and the other companies are fighting over crumbs.
4. Toyota has a 50% market share of all cars sold in the United States.

in general it means fighting about who gets the tiny bit that is left. that is what it means in the sentences as well.
market share is being used correctly.

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Orignal From: meaning of "fight over crumbs", and am I using "market share" corretly.?