i want to remove a cabir mobile phone worm from a momery card with out using a mobile i want to use my computer i try avg anti virus but not good can any one help me ^_^

you just have to back up all the data in your memory card and format it. it's the best way i know.

there are other options though. you can try mcafee or norton which are known to be the best antivirus there is but i don't think it removes mobile phones viruses.

i think cabir is a mobile virus, use an antivirus for phones instead. install anticomwarrior or simworks antivirus then it shall work perfectly.

Vesselin Bontchev
Normally, Cabir shouldn't install itself on the memory card. The AA and AC variants are impossible to install anywhere but in the main memory of the phone and the rest offer a choice but the default is again the main memory. So, for the virus to install itself on the card, the user should have taken special steps to put it there. Unlike CommWarrior.Q, no Cabir variant infects the card by itself. In fact, I'm not 100% certain that it can work from there.

Are you sure that the card indeed contains the virus? Did some anti-virus program tell you so? Which one? What exactly was reported? Do you observe any visible symptoms?

The best way to remove mobile phone viruses is by running mobile anti-virus programs on the phone. If you want to do it from your computer instead, you're in luck that the virus is on the card - because if it was in the main memory of the phone, you wouldn't be able to remove it from your computer.

Even now, you'll need a card reader device. The 6681 model comes with such a device that can be plugged in an USB port of your computer - I assume the same is true for the 6680 model. Put the card in this device and it will appear as a disk drive on your computer.

Then you need to run an anti-virus program on your computer than can detect mobile phone viruses on a PC. Obviously, AVG is not one of them. Try McAfee - I know for sure that it can do it.

The disinfection essentially consists of removing a few files and directories. If you could identify the exact variant of Cabir that you have, I could tell you exactly which files and directories to delete (can be done even manually) - but their names are different for the different variants of this virus.

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