do you know any radio talk show?

Posted by 70sfamily | 10:56:00 PM

Hi everyone,
I live in London.
I have a Nokia 6300 and I can listen to LBC(97.3) and BBC(94.90) stations on my phone. I was wondering if there are other radio channels I can hear on my phone.
Please let me know only about talk show channels or something very interesting. I am not interested about music channels as I already have some.
Also please let me know the frequencies of the channels you recommend.
Thanks in advance.

I listen to Rollye James sometimes ( and Thom Hartmann (

Adam Clive Bull radio talk show host on LBC 97.3 in London
And go to this site for more. I had to split the link to get it on the page just paste it back together again.

* Have a Good Day *

~ Don ~

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Orignal From: do you know any radio talk show?